After three years after the pandemic’s start, we at Latincouver and in Canada have learned many lessons about COVID-19, how to take care of our health, and be resilient during unpredictable times. And now, how can we move forward? To answer this question, Latincouver is organizing a virtual panel discussion to share our experiences and build knowledge.
We invited experts in this field to lead the discussion:
Angela Contreras, Founder and Director of Verapax Solutions Inc., Lead researcher for a study on attitudes and expectations among Spanish and Portuguese Speakers in Canada about COVID-19 Vaccinations and Vaccines, commissioned by Latincouver.
Elena Alvarado, founder of Between Two Worlds and MSc in Community Health
Salwa Khan, a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at the University of Toronto
Ingrid Teo, member of the Latincouver Senior Council
Jorge Filmus, Senior Scientist, Sunnybrook Research Institute, and Professor, Dept. Medical Biophysics, Univ. of Toronto. Member of the Latin American Covid-19 Task Force.
In this virtual space, we invite our panellists and our community to reflect on the following:
How are vulnerable communities responding to vaccination awareness efforts?
How are vulnerable communities being affected by misinformation?
How can we improve programs and policies and promote effective vaccination awareness campaigns?
This roundtable is an event organized by Latincouver and supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada through the Immunization Partnership Fund (IPF).
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