Boogat y Popowit en Podcast por Rossana Cubillan
Este 2021 a partir del 16 de enero de 2021 al 31 de mayo de 2021, Latincouver arrancacon una serie
Este 2021 a partir del 16 de enero de 2021 al 31 de mayo de 2021, Latincouver arrancacon una serie
Learn the origin of one of the most celebrated days around the world Every Feb 14th, we celebrate the most
February is Black History month in Canada. The commemoration exists to remind us of the contributions of people of African
This week, Latincouver is promoting the free webinar , “Understanding the Algorithm and New Release Strategy in the Music Business”,
Nossa recomendação literaria desta semana é um Gótico Mexicano, um romance daSilvia Moreno-Garcia. Gótico Mexicano é uma história de terror
Nuestra recomendación literaria esta semana es Mexican Gothic, una novela de Silvia Moreno-García. Mexican Gothic es una historia de terror
The measures first came into effect on November 19, 2020, including a ban on indoor and outdoor private gatherings, community
O programa de imunização contra a COVID-19 parece estar indo conforme o esperado em British Columbia. Durante esta primeira fase,
Notre recommandation littéraire de cette semaine est Mexican Gothic, un roman de Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Le gothique mexicain est une histoire
The immunization program against COVID-19 seems to be going according to schedule in British Columbia. During this first phase are
Our literature recommendation this week is Mexican Gothic, a novel from Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Mexican Gothic is a horror story in
Major Canadian airlines are cancelling their air service to sun destinations, including the Caribbean and Mexico starting this Sunday until
As the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines proceeds across Canada, federal, provincial and territorial authorities work closely together to monitor vaccine
Is the coronavirus pandemic getting better or worse? Last week, Canada reported more than forty-five thousand new cases of Covid
The Government of Canada introduces a new measure to prevent further introduction and transmission of COVID-19. All passengers five years
The Government of Canada is closely monitoring the genetic variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 identified in the UK
On November 13, 2020 the Minister of Digital Government and Member of Parliament for Vancouver, the Honourable Joyce Murray, announced
2020 was a challenging year. Life, as we know it, changed. Our homes became our workplaces. And our usual workplaces
We decorate our houses for Christmas with trees, lights, and stockings. In Argentina, people put on their bathing suits and
December every year shows its best colours to give a massive welcome to the new year. It doesn’t matter if
Since October 2, 2020, an additional $600 million in new national funding for a small and medium-sized businesses is available
Christmas is a celebration of family, love and happiness. In Mexico, this time of the year is full of exciting
Social media platforms have transformed how we produce, share and consume information. Positively, they have enabled unprecedented freedom of speech
Known in Brazil as Natal, Christmas is one of the most important holidays for the nation. It’s a celebration that
Premier John Horgan says the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are just days away for B.C. In a tweet
On October 27, 2020 the Government of Canada has begun consultations with provinces and territories, employers, workers, worker support groups,
The CBSA, Health Canada, and RCMP announce the results. The Government of Canada prevents the importation of unauthorized or illegal
Social media platforms have moved from being lauded as inherently democratic technologies to being condemned as irresponsible media publishers, being
In a world flooded with fake news and myths on how to fight coronavirus, it is hard to find a
As we have all seen and heard, there is a global rise in the spread of misinformation on social media,
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